Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, April 22, 2022
My Body is Torn Apart
Message from Our Lord to Valentina Papagna in Sydney, Australia

This morning while I was praying, I was taken by an angel to a place I had never seen before.
The angel said, “Our Lord wants you to witness something you have never witnessed before.”
Suddenly we found ourselves in a courtyard, and in front of us was a large building which looked like a warehouse. I could see quite a few people moving around in this courtyard. Initially, I thought this place might be somewhere in Purgatory, but it wasn’t.
Suddenly the angel and I stopped as we watched a man cut branches from a tree. The tree was of medium height, the size of a very large shrub, and it had many, many branches with dark fruits growing on them. I thought I would like to taste the fruit.
Immediately the angel said, “No! Don’t taste it! It’s a bitter fruit.”
As the man was cutting the branches with a very sharp saw, the people slowly started to gather around the tree. They started picking up the branches, which were quite thick, and there were many of them. They were carrying the freshly cut branches and throwing them into an opening of the large building. It looked like a warehouse for the disposal and recycling of these branches.
Suddenly our Lord Jesus came among these people. He came as a little Boy of about six to seven years old. He was screaming and crying and crying as He watched what was happening to the tree.
He said to the people, “No! Don’t cut them! Don’t cut them, don’t throw them away! You hurt Me. You have torn My Body apart.”
He screamed, “I want unity, to be all in one, not separation. That is My Church.”
“I established one Faith, one Easter, that is My Church. Only then you would heal My Wounds and My Body. I want unity. Only then would I be healed when unity would come,” He cried.
The tree represents the Body of Christ, and the branches represent the Church and the people.
As I watched this painful scene, our Lord Jesus gave me to understand how painful it is for Him. He was screaming because it was as though they were cutting off His Arms and Legs from His Holy Body. They were tearing His Holy Body apart.
I have never seen our Lord scream so much. He was screaming louder and louder each time, “No! Don’t cut them! Don’t throw them away.”
Our Lord came as a little Child crying and crying. It hurts Him so much, this division in the Church. They disobey our Lord. They have no idea how they offend Him. If only they could see how He suffers, they would console Him and become united.
Source: ➥